Many businesses have an “if I build it, they will come” mentality. In reality, there are several important steps in the sales process, from learning abot your business to actually engaging your services.
This is generally referred to as a sales funnel, and your website is an essential component. The sales funnel are the steps in the buying cycle. Yes, there are times, when a need is urgent, so prospects may skip steps, but as a general rule, the human brain has to process information in distinct chunks. Understanding and following the process will make sales easier and faster because you are thoughtfully presenting the information people require in order to make a good decision.
The first step is exposure
Nothing will work if the prospect doesn’t know your company exists. Or that you have a solution to their problem. The fastest approach is to make sure your website is found online because that’s where people go to find answers. On average, there are about 75,000 searches per second on Google. In other words, your website needs to be present and, more importantly, be seen within this channel.
The next step is discovery
Start your content marketing strategy by strengthening your presence with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, social media, blog posting or even paid advertisements in search engines that build confidence in your business’s ability to provide a solution.
Craft content that assures a prospect that you understand their needs, concerns, or issues. If you start with a laundry list of your products and services, the visitor won’t feel like you understand them. In reality, nobody wants to know about your business until they feel confident you understand them.
The third step is engagement
Here, the consumers are at a stage of consideration when they know your brand, and think your business may have a solution.
It is up to you, then, to deliver materials that facilitate their decision process. Therefore, the most suitable materials are the ones that explain your company’s differentials and benefits.
At this stage, you already know a little more about the prospects and exactly what they are looking for.
Your content must present facts and information that prove the efficiency of your solution. Use testimonials and success stories. Present Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that solve their main issues or relevant evaluations from other customers. Display awards and recognition on your website and in your marketing materials.
The idea is to deliver everything that serves to confirm the efficiency of your work.
The final step is conversion
Remember that “people buy people” so conversion is the point that a company representative steps in for a more personal conversation. Whether it's a phone call, Zoom meeting, or a demonstration; the prospect wants to know your business on a more personal level.
Finally, build a customer relationship
With the lead conversion established, the next step is to get closer to your customers.
It’s increasingly essential to leave advertisements for your brand aside and focus on teaching the client how to use your solution to solve their problems. This closer contact can become a competitive advantage.
Make sure you have a CRM (customer relationship management) tool in place to document conversations, mark upcoming deadline, track service tickets, etc. Create a drip email campaign to further educate the customer and clarify their main questions is an excellent resource. Invest time in a regular call to touch base. .
Talk to the experts at Refresh Marketing. We build wonderful websites, but we also help businesses create and maintain ongoing marketing and lead generation campaigns.